
Falling...Tumbling...Swirls of thought.

Bubles of intuition, whiffs of plot.

Dancing..Singing...keeping pace.

Fields of inspiration, rainbows of grace.

by LaDonna Cole

Monday, September 19, 2011

Magical Moments on Mundane Monday

I think this will be my new weekly column. There is nothing more mundane than a Monday morning, so we need all the magic we can conjure up to keep our creative juices flowing.  So each Monday, I will post a magical moment from a mundane Monday.

I have taken a much needed sabbatical to a country resort in the Tennessee mountains.  The grounds are simply beautiful, a dreamer's paradise.  I sat on a long swing dangling from the branch of an ancient oak tree, you know the kind of swing that makes you feel like you are swaying to and fro in slow motion.  The little white chapel was on the next hill, the little red school house a stone's throw away, the big red barn to my back.  The hills tumbled into the lake beneath me as I gazed across the verdant expanse into the silver waters colored by the hazy morning. The deer couplet pranced into the meadow arched their lovely necks to dip warm noses into the bracken.  I felt like I was in a scene from the Halmark channel. All I needed was a white flowing dress, long tousled curls, and Mr. I. B. Gorgeous the third to push me whilst feeding me bon bons. 

Screeech! Crash! Day dream is brutally interrupted as my cell phone shatters the illusion of 18th century time travel.  Oh yeah, I am in shorts, flip flops and my tousled curls are from an old perm my sister gave me. 

Ah, well, for 10 gloriously sublime minutes I found magic swaying from that oak, taking in the surroundings and magic of nature.  In that frozen moment in time, the little girl in me was set free to dream.  I found my magical moment on this mundane Monday.

Have you found yours?

1 comment:

  1. I love this blog! I will look forward to reading it every Monday.

    As far as my magical moment...still searching for it. When I find it, I'll let you know. :)
