
Falling...Tumbling...Swirls of thought.

Bubles of intuition, whiffs of plot.

Dancing..Singing...keeping pace.

Fields of inspiration, rainbows of grace.

by LaDonna Cole

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dream Tree

Last night I dreamed of a tree.  Not just any tree mind you, this was an epic tree.  It was in Ampeliagia on an atoll in the middle of the Cedo River.  It was on an island that is suspended at the intersection of three Rivers.  On this tiny island sits an enormous tree.  (Tsian the Wise will go there to search the Chalice of Light in Book Four of the Saga of the Sisterhood, Refrain, Bard of Ampeliagia.)

The tree in my dream was monstrous.  The root system alone was a gnarled mass of mountainous black roots.  The Questers had to climb over and under the massive root system to get to the enormous tree.  The roots arched high over their heads in places and posed huge obstacles for them to climb and repel.  That was already in the book.

What I didn't know, until my dream informed me last night, was that the top of the tree was home to many indigents of the Darchewud Forest, people who had built a city in the top of this enormous tree. They had woven branches together to form buildings and homes, archways and bridges.  They had suspended star stones in the branches to light the tree city during the night.

Also new information to me was that the rivers had dug a canyon and the tree branches were woven together to reach over and make causeways spanning the tops of the cliffs, so that you could walk from one cliff to the next through the branch bridges. 

It was a beautiful visit to the home of the Darchori Tree Dwellers.  They live in peace with nature and are artisans by their very existence and harmony with the trees.  I can't wait to spend more time with these beautiful people and their glorious tree city.

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