
Falling...Tumbling...Swirls of thought.

Bubles of intuition, whiffs of plot.

Dancing..Singing...keeping pace.

Fields of inspiration, rainbows of grace.

by LaDonna Cole

Friday, September 23, 2011

Freaky Friday

Friday is the day the nation lets out a collective sigh....the weekend is near.  So let's have a little fun on our Fridays.  I think I will post strange and unusual events that have happened in my life or in my friends lives.  It is weird.  Almost everyone I know has had an incident in their life that they simply cannot explain.  They go to great lengths to hide it.  They refuse to speak of it because they are worried they are a little crazy or worried that people will think that about them.  So here is where we will stare crazy in the face and strip him of his power.  It's good to be a little freaky.  If you have a Freaky Friday story that you would like to share, send an email to I will consider it for this blog.

My first Freaky Friday story is about a mysterious boot.  If you follow my facebook page then you heard all about this boot yesterday.

I was sitting at my work desk, taking voice mail off when I heard a loud crash, thuddadathump!  I actually yelped outloud, it startled me so.  After I was able to disentangle myself from the phone, I stepped outside to see what had made such commotion.  I expected to see a large tree branch fallen near the house or a dead bird that had flown into the siding.  Nothing.  I turned to go back into the house and my eyes landed on a boot. 

There is sat, caramel suede leather, with a thick rubber sole and fleece lining.  It was on the ground by the carport, just off line with the edge of the carport roof.  In my mind, that rubber wedged heel was exactly what might have made the loud crashing sound.  But there was a problem with that...the place it had landed was nowhere near the street or even a line of sight where someone driving by could have tossed it.  The only place that boot could have come from to make that noise was up.

UP, like up in the sky.  Yep, fallen from the sky.  I rejected the idea and went back inside.  But the idea had taken root.  What if?  I was warming up to it a bit.  Twelve different plot lines occured to me.  The story was growing in my imagination.  I posted the weird occurrance on my face book status and all of my Blue Monkey friends latched onto it and began suggesting debris, astronaut, passing air plane, one legged pirate, (yeah, that was the bright blue monkey friend).  We were really building it up.  I thought a rich heiress was pushed out of her jet and her boot fell one way and her body landed elsewhere.  I even thought about the joke with the parrot, the cigar, and the brick, except the brick was a boot in my story.  It got wild for a few hours.

Then the Freakiness began to unravel.  My sister said she had seen it in the driveway earlier in the day and my neighbor posted that it was her granddaughter's, she had seen my dog run off with it. Screeeeech, smash!  Game Over.  (Insert dying Pac Man sound.)

The mystery still remains about the unidentified sound.  But with all the rain and dead tree branches around, I am betting on a fallen branch.  Maybe that is my denial kicking in again.  After a day of endless mysterious and freaky possibilites, maybe I am the one who came crashing down to earth.

It is a wonder how quickly we leap to paranormal explanation.  We want so desperately for there to be more.  More than the hum drum life that we desperately cling to.  We soar to great heights in our imaginations, but tether our faith to that which we can explain. 

I believe there is more.  I believe God is waiting to take us on a miraculous adventure in spiritual insight, power, and unexplained events.  I have experienced a few of those in my life.  You will get to hear about them on this blog column in the near future. 

Stay tuned...Freaky Friday will blow your mind!  Will increase your faith, will open you up to a world of possibility and spiritual adventure.  Geronimo!

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